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I was just on the Rumcast talking with exemplary hosts Will Hoekenga and John Gulla. This is basically the off-broadway version of NPR’s This American Life.
[I am so impressed by this image Will & John created. Funny enough I just sent that passport image to Rafael Arroyo the 4th who had never seen it.]
We all discuss:
Arroyo’s “The Aroma of Rum,” an excerpt from which is read during the show
Stephen’s presentation on grand arôme rum (with annotated commentary) from Alcohol School
Another view on fission yeast from Richard Seale that is
worth checking out[All I will say is that Richard Seale does not yet have experience with high pH fission yeast ferments. Listen to the podcast if you would like more details on this exciting topic. Rumor has it that there are now ten major teams around the world experimenting with fission yeasts for rum production. Foursquare is supposedly one of them as is Lallemand. As a consumer, I am excited by all the teams’ efforts! Exciting things are afoot around the world.] -
Stephen’s article on the single use glass issue in spirits mentioned at the end of the show
Just listened to the podcast and now feel shamed to be a lurker and not a contributor!!
On a different subject, I was interested to hear of the Caroni distllery selling fusel oil from the column to perfumers. A few years ago I attened a distilling course in Elgin, Scotland hosted by the IBD and the tutor mentioned the same thing happening there at whisky distilleries. At the time it seemed like an insignificant detail but now I’m better versed in the ways of rum oil (mainly due to this blog), the penny has dropped!
This paper may explain some of the fusel oil salvaging. Apparently even the higher alcohols can have value.