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Long ago I wanted to develop a continuous time line of the technical history of rum production beginning with the Great Agricola, W.F. Whitehouse and ending with Fahrasmane and the INRA. These papers below do not represent all of the continuous time line, but rather just the translations and a few extras from the time period I worked on this. There are tons more papers if you go further back.
Eventually, I’ll try to update this with bibliographies specifically looking at Rum Oil and Schizosaccharomyces Pombe yeast.
Much of this was synthesized in this presentation:
10/26/18 2018 Kingston, Jamaica Alcohol School Presentation The Grand Arôme Rum Tradition
Operation Rum Babel Fish began after discovering Olbrich in the 1975 Rum Symposium when I realized that many of the best works would have to be translated.
1/27/16 Narrative of the 1975 Rum Symposium
7/23/17 Hubert Von Olbrich, Über rum completeist \m/(-.-)\m/
11/26/17 Operation Rum Babelfish, A bibliography
I had known of Fahrasmane for a while, but finally discovered the INRA bibliography and proceeded to track down a lot of the citations.
10/11/17 Thirty Years of Rum Technology at INRA
10/2917 Presence Of Acrolein Derivatives In A Rum Of Abnormal Taste
10/30/17 Fermentation Properties of Rhumerie Yeasts
10/31/17 Problems Posed by the use of Schizosaccharomyces Pombe in the Making of Rums
11/2/17 Role of Corynebacteria in the Production of Acrolein (2 propenal) in Rums
11/4/17 Traditional Fermentations of Molasses and Cane Juice in the French Antilles
11/8/17 Arroyo’s Invitation: The Problem of the Ripening of Crude Rum
11/3/17 Technology and Typical Elements of French Antilles Rums
11/10/17 Karl Micko’s Quantum Leap
11/16/17 Ethyl Esters Of Higher Fatty Acids Of Rhums
11/16/17 Glycerol in the alcoholic fermentation of molasses and sugar cane juice
11/22/17 The Formic Acid Component of the Volatile Acidity of Rums
11/25/17 Lost rum of the Japanese Bonin islands. 1908
11/25/17 Conduct of the Alcoholic Fermentation Workshops of Molasses and Beet Molasses Products
11/27/17 Fincke E. About the distinction between Jamaikarum and Kunstrum. 1913
11/29/17 Jonscher A. For the knowledge and evaluation of rum, Rumverschnitten and Kunstrum. 1914
11/29/17 Contribution to the bacteriology of manufacturing waters of Guadeloupe distilleries
11/29/17 Introduction of a yeast with rum aptitude in fermentation of sugar cane derivatives
12/15/17 Study of the volatile acidity of French Antilles rums
1/20/18 German Rum, Dr Kurt Brauer, 1922
1/23/18 German Arrack, Dr. Kurt Brauer, 1923
2/2/18 For the Qualitative Assessment of Noble Brandy, in Particular Rum, Arrak and Kirschwasser
2/11/18 Handbuch der Lebensmittelchemie on Arrak 1968
2/15/18 Contribution to the study and evaluation of wine distillates and brandies
3/2/18 Die Fabrikation des Jamaika – Rums und des Batavia – Arraks Deutsche Destillateurs Zeitung
3/3/18 The Quality Of The Java-Arrak. by H. C. Prinsen Geerligs (1905)
3/15/18 Vorderman’s Analecta. An Introduction to the Probiotic World of Batavia (1893)
3/20/18 Le Rhum Grand Arôme by Desiree Kervegant (1936)
4/21/18 The Birectifier in Rum Manufacture (1945)
6/24/18 Circular 106, Rum Manufacture, Rafael Arroyo, 1938
7/14/18 Odd Nordland: Brewing and Beer Traditions in Norway (1969)
11/2/18 S.F. Ashby, overrun by budding yeasts in Pombe country (1913)
11/18/18 Manuel de Sucrerie de Cannes, Laguarigue de Survilliers, 1932