Kervegant – Bibliography

[Kervegant was a noted bibliophile so no doubt he collected the most exhaustive assembly of references possible at the time. Translating his text has somewhat felt like a blog recap over the past several years, because I also collected a large portion of the same references and then many more. The next great bibliography would come from Hubert Von Olbrich in the 1970’s and it is interesting to examine the overlap. Kervegant had German references Olbrich didn’t collect! I would have failed to see the significance and potential of both this bibliographies if collecting and translating was not at the heart of the golden era at U.C. Davis.

Kervegant – Bibliography:

Kervegant – Erratum:

Kervegant – Citation Abbreviations:

Kervegant – Chapter Data Index:

Kervegant – Advertisements:

Pages 493-500


ALLAN (Ch) — Report on the manufacture of Jamaica rum. Jamaica Sugar Exp. Sta. Rept. for 1905, 119-140 ; West Ind. Bull VII, 141-152,1906. [I had this but need to refind it. 1906, 1907 and 1908 are hosted here.]

ARNSTEIN (H.) — Utilization of molasses for the production of alcohol and yeast. Louisiana Plant. LXVIII, 76-78, 125-126, 191-193, 209-210, 221-225, 238-239, 1922.

ARROYO (R) — Manufactura de ron. Est. Exp. Agr. Puerto-Rico, Circ. No 106, 1938. [my translation]

ARROYO (R.) — El complejo alcohol — temperatura — valor pH en fermentacion de ron. Spirits Service Institute Bul. 26, 1942. [my translations, but I did not find it in this journal.]

ARROYO (R.) — The manufacture of rum. Facts Ab. Sugar XXXVI, N 12, 26-27, 1941; XXXVII, N° 1, 29-32 ; N° 5, 26-29; N° 7. 29-31, 1942. [This was a serialized set of articles and I present them all here.]

ARROYO (R.) — Ethanol fermentation of blackstrap molasses. U.S. Patent Office N° 420 898, 26 nov 1942; Sugar XXXVIII, No 2, 18-19, 1943. [Kervegant points to a different patent number that may be worth looking up.]

ARROYO (R.) — Dilution problem in rum manufacture. Sugar XXXVIII, N° 6, 25-26, 1943. [I collected this citation long ago but never requested it.]

ARROYO (R.) — High alcohol beers in rum fermentation. Sugar XXXIX, N 4, 34, 1944.

ARROYO (R.) — The production of heavy bodied rum. Sugar XL, No 11, 34-39, 1945. [The same article but from International Sugar Journal]

ARROYO (R.) — Studies on rum. Agr. Exp. Sta. Puerto-Rico, Research Bull. N 5, 1945. [A PDF of my copy is floating around the web or available upon request.]

ASHBY (S.F.) — Studies of fermentations in manufacture of Jamaica rum. Int. Sug. J. XI, 243-251, 300-307, 1909.

AUFFRET (L.) — Les rhums de la Guadeloupe. Ann. Falsif XXXI, 19-24, 1938 [Link to purchase]

BARBET (E.) — Le rhum. Progrès récents apportés à sa fabrication. 3e éd. Paris, 1920.

BASSIERES (E.) — Fabrication du rhum. Bull. Agr. Martinique (2) IV No 22 27-30, 1922.

BELL (FA) — Handbook of practical directions for sugar cane planting, sugar making and the distillation of rum. Sydney, 1866. [It turns out this text is mostly plagiarized from Leonard Wray.]

BELL (J.) — Culture of the sugar cane and distillation of rum. Calcutta, 1831.

BETTINGER (P.) — La distillerie de cannes à la Martinique. Bull. Ass. Chim. LII, 767-775, 840-851, 1935. LIII, 51-60, 152-159, 1936.

BIGGS (J.) — Observations on the manufacture of sugar and rum in Jamaica. London 1843.

BLAREZ (Ch.) — Du coefficient non-alcool dans les eaux-de-vie et les rhums. Bull. Soc. Pharm. Bordeaux XLVIII, 106-111, 1908.

BOES (J.) — Ueber das vorkommen von aminen in arrac und rum. Apoth. Ztg. XXII, 56, 1907  [Very short about amines in arak and rum.]

BOINOT (F.) — Les méthodes de fermentation en distillerie (Récupération des levures). Bull. Ass. Chim. LV, 372-385, 1938.

BONIS (A) — Recherches sur la composition des rhums Martinique. Ann. Falsif. II, 521-527, 1909. [Olbrich referenced this in German from a German journal but that may only be a one page abstract.]

BONIS (A.) — La composition des rhums. Ann. Falsif. III, 305-322, 1914.

BOULLANGER (E) — Distillerie agricole et industrielle. Baillière et fils, Paris, 1925.

BRAUER (K.) — Deutscher rum. Chem. Ztg. XLVI, 161-63 ; 185-86, 1922. [My translation.]

BRAUER (K.) — Deutscher arrack. Chem. Ztg. XLVII, 365-67, 1923. [My translation.]

BRENNAND (E.L.A.) — The Melle yeast recovery process in Brazil Facts Ab. Sugar XXXI, 473, 1936.

BRILL (H.C.) et THURLOW (L.W.) — Alcohol from discard molasses in the Philippine Islands. Philippine J. Sc. A XII, 267-292, 1917

BROWNE (CA) — The fermentation of sugar cane products. J. Amer. Chem. Soc. XXVIII, 453-69, 1906.

BROWNE (CA.) — The keeping qualities of sugar cane molasses. Proc. 5. Cong. Int. Sugar Cane Technol. 216-227, 1935. [This author has written some spectacular looking stuff.]

BROWNE (C.A.) et BLOUIN (R.E.) — The chemistry of the sugar cane and its products in Louisiana. Louisiana Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 91, 1907.

CHARPENTIER de COSSIGNY (J.F.) — Mémoire sur la fabrication des eaux de-vie de sucre et particulièrement sur celle de la guildive et du tafia. Imp. Royale, Ile de France, 1781.

CHARPENTIER-COSSIGNY (J.F.) — Moyens d’amélioration et de restauration proposés au Gouvernement et aux habitants des Colonies. Marchant, Paris, 1803.

CHATURVEDI (H.S.) — Acclimatization of yeast to high temperature and alcohol content. J. Sc. Techn. India II, 9-19, 1935.

CHAUVIN (A.C.) — Etude sur l’action du peroxyde d’hydrogène sur les divers alcools et spiritueux. Mon. Sc. Quesneville (4) XXIII, 567-570, 1909, XXIV, 12-21, 1910.

CLEARE (L.D.) — Damage caused to rum puncheons by boring beetles. Agr. J. British Guiana IX, 237-245, 1938.

COULON (A) — Le fabricant de rhum à la Martinique. Paris, 1855.

CRAMPTON (C.A.) & TOLMAN (L.A.) — A study of the changes taking place in whisky stored in wood. J. Amer. Chem. Soc. XXX, 97-136, 1908.

COUSINS (H.H.) — Jamaica rum. West Ind. Bull. VIII, 12-128, 1907.

DAVIS (W.A.) — Methods of analysis in the fermentation industries. Int. Sug. J. XL, 186-188, 235. 1938.

DEERR (N.) — Cane sugar. Chap. XXVIII: Fermentation with special reference to the sugar house, 564-588. 2° éd. Norman Rodger, London, 1921.

DENYS (G.) — Alcoolisation de la canne à sucre. Bull Ass. Chim, XL, 113-124, 1933.

DIDEROT & D’ALEMBERT — Encyclopédie ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers. 3° éd. Pellet, Genève, 1779.

DUCEURJOLY (S.T.) — Manuel des habitants de Saint-Domingue. Chap. VIII 135-175 : Méthode anglaise pour faire le rum, composer les grappes et distiller cette liqueur. Lenoir, Paris, 1802.

DUDLEY (W.L.) — The filtration of alcoholic liquids through wood charcoal. J. Amer. Chem. Soc. XXX, 1784-89, 1908.

DUTRONE LA COUTURE — Mémoire sur la manière de distiller le rhum. Paris, 1775.

DUTT (S.) — Composition of patent-still fusel oil from Indian sources. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sc India VIII, 105-109, 1938.

EIJKMAN (C.) — Mikrobiologisches ueber die arrak fabrikation in Batavia Zent. Bakt. Parasit. XVI, 97-108, 1894. [The link to a translation I’ve used in the past in temporarily down.]

FELLENBERG (Th. von) — Ueber den Jamaikarum und seine hohern Alkohole Mitt. Lebensm. Hyg. I, 352-357, 1910. [This was referenced by Olbrich but I never found it.]

FELLENBERG (Th, von) — Ueber den nachweis und die bestimmnug des methyl alkohols, sein vorkommen in den verschiedenen nahrungsmitteln und das verhalten der methylalkoholhaltigen nahrungsmittel im organismus. Biochem. Z. LXXV, 45-117, 1918.

FICKER (M) et SZUS (S.) — Ueber Rumgarung. Zent. Bakt. Parasit. LXXXII, 199-214, 1930. [“About rum fermentation”. This was referenced by Olbrich but I never found it.]

FINCKE (E.) — Ueber die untersheidung von Jamaisarum und kunstrum, Z. Unters, Nahr-Genussm. XXV, 589-596, 1913. [My transaltion}

FLANZY (F.) — L’alcool méthylique dans les milieux alcooliques naturels (Thèse) Imp. Régionale, Toulouse, 1934.

FLORO (M.B.) — Distillery losses. J. A. S. T. Quarterly VIII, No 1, 8-10, 1944.

FORT (C.A.) & MC KAIG (N.) – Comparative chemical composition of juices of different varieties of Louisiana sugarcane. U. S. Dept. of Agric. Techn. Bull. N° 688, 1939.

FREELAND (E.C.) — Use of cane molasses for manufacture of motor fuel. Ind. Eng. Chem. XVII, 615-621, 1925.

GABER (A.) — Die fabrikation von rum, arrak, cognak und allen arten von obstund fruchtenbranntweinen, 2° éd. Wien, 1898.

GERBINIS (L.) — Note sur la production du sucre et du rhum à la Martinique pendant les années 1919 à 1928. Fort-de-France, 1928.

GIBBS (H.D.) HOLMES (W.C.) et AGCAOILI (F.) — Alcohol industry of the Philippine Islands, Philippine J. Sc. A, VI, 99-206, 1911.VII, 19-44, 97-117, 1912.

GIRARD (A) & CUNIASSE (L.) — Manuel pratique de l’analyse des alcools et des spiritueux. Masson & Cie, Paris, 1899.

GLASENAPP (M.) — Ueber die wirkungsweise der holzkole bei der reinigung des spiritus. Z. Angew. Chem. 617-621, 665-672, 1898.

GODOY — Fabrico de aguardiente de Canna de assucarfl Bol. Agr. São Paulo XVII, 694-701, 1916.

GREG (P.H.) – Rum analysis. Bull. Bot. Dept. Jamaica (2) II, 25-31, 1895. [That opening line, wow!]

GREG (P.H.) – The Jamaica yeasts. Bull. Bot. Dept. Jamaica (2) II, 157-160, 1895.

GREG (P.H.) – Contribution to the study of the production of the aroma in – rum. Bull. Bot, Dept. Jamaica (2). II, 153-157, 192-195, 1895 ; III, 1-6, 1896.

GRIMAUD (G.) — Divers procédés de récupération de l’alcool perdu en cuverie. Procédé de récupération des levures. C. R. 4° Cong. Int. Ind. Agr. 1935.

GROBERT (J. de), etc. — Traité de la fabrication du sucre de betterave et de canne : Fabrication du rhum, II, 694-723. J. Fritsch, Paris, 1913.

GROSSFELD (G.) & MIERMEISTER (A.) — Vorkommen, nachweis und bestimmung von laurinsaüre in alkoholischen getranken. Z. Unters, Lebensm. LVI, 167-187, 1928.

GUANZON (G.A.) & LOPEZ (F.R.) — Ion antagonism in alcohol fermentation of cane molasses. Sugar News XVII, 505-508, 1938.

GUILLAUME (J.) — L’industrie du rhum à la Martinique. Bull. Ass. Chim. XLVIII, 340-345, 1931.

GUILLAUME (J.) — Etudes et recherches sur les rhums de mélasse de la Martinique. C. R. 5° Cong. Int. Ind. Agr. I, 873-79, 1937. [Guillaume built the grand arôme at Galion in Martinique so these works may be quite interesting.]

GUILLAUME (J.) — Le rhum, sa fabrication et sa chimie, L. Depollier & Cie, Annecy, 1939. [I will have to translate a few chapters in here soon.]

GUILLIERMOND (A.) & TANNER (F.J) — The yeasts. Wiley & Sons, New York, 1930.

HALL (HH), JAMES (L.H.) & NELSON (EK) — Micro-organisms that flavor Barbados molasses. J. Bacteriology XXXIII, 577-585, 1937.

HARDY (F.) — The components of sugar cane juice. Plant. Sug. Manuf. LXXIX, 415-416, 1927. [Link to Hathi and worth a read]

HARRISON (J.B.) — The proportions of esters normally present in rum distilled in Bristish Guiana. British Guiana Off. Gaz, 19 Oct. 1904. [Synopsis of the article is here.]

HARRISON (J.B.) — Analyses of rum produced in British Guiana. British Guiana Off. Gaz. 4 April 1906.

HARRISON (J.B.) & SCARD (F.I.) — On faulty rum and its alleged cause. Timehri XII, 1-11, 131-139, 1898.

HART (J.H.) — Rum aroma. Bull Miscell. Inf. Trinidad, July 1896, 45-49.

HAUPT — Ueber deutschen rum. Z. Offentl. Chem. XXVII, 253-261, 1921.

HIGGINS (B.) — Muscovado sugar and rum. Santiago de la Vega, 1800.

HILDEBRANDT (F.M.) — Adjustement of acidity of cane molasses fermentations for maximum alcohol yields. Ind. Eng. Chem. XXI, 279-281, 1929.

HILDEBRANDT (F.M.) & BOYCE (F.F.) — Stimulating of cane molasses fermentation by certain metallic salts. Ind. Eng. Chem. XXII, 1011-1014, 1930.

IMHAUS (G.) — Notice sur les principales productions naturelles et fabriquées de l’île de la Réunion : industrie guildivière, Rev. Col. XIX, 604-607, 1858.

IWATA (Y.) — Experiments in the fermentation of cane juice. Rept. Gov. Sug. Exp. Șta. Formosa N° 5, 183-196, 1938.

IWATA (Y.) — Alcoholic fermentation of injured cane. Rept. Gov. Sug. Exp. Formosa N° 6, 97-106, 1939.

IWATA (Y.), SUZUKI (S.) & YAMAFUGI (K.) — Fermentability of sugar cane juice. Bull. Agr. Chem. Soc. Japan XIV 111-119 1938.

JACUEMINET — Le sucre et le rhum des colonies françaises. C. R. Cong. Anciennes Colonies, 582-607, Paris, 1909.

JACQUET (L.) — L’alcool, étude économique générale. Masson, Paris, 1912.

JONSCHER (A.) — Zur kenntnis und beurteilung von rum, rumverschnitten und kunstrum, Z. Offentl. Chem. XX, 330-36, 345-49, 1914. [My translation]

JOSA (G.) — Les industries du sucre et du rhum å la Martinique (Thèse), Paris, 1931.

KAPPELER (G.) & SCHULZE (R.) — Beitrag zur rumunterscheidung. Pharm, Zentralhalle LI, 165-170, 1910.

KAYSER (E.) — Contribution à l’étude des ferments du rhum. C. R. CLX, 408-411 ; CLXI, 181-184, 1915 : CLXII, 647-679, 1916.

KAYSER (E) — Contribution à l’étude des ferments alcooliques. Ann Sc. Agr. 297-322, 1916.

KAYSER (E) — Contribution à l’étude de la fermentation des mélasses de cannes. Ann. Falsif. XX, 326-328, 1927. [From Hathi; untranslated. They explore a fission yeast ferment in the very last paragraph.]

KAYSER (E). & DEMOLON (H.) — Contribution à l’étude des produits volatils dans la fermentation alcoolique. Ann. Sc Agr. (3) IV, 161-188, 1909.

KAYSER (E.) & REY (F) — Contribution à l’étude des ferments et de la fermentation du rhum. Ann. Sc. Agr. 159-195, 411-454, 1917.

KERVEGANT (D) — L’industrie rhummière à la Martinique, Bull. Agr. Martinique (3), II, 23-110, 1933.

KERVEGANT (D.) — Note sur le rhum « Grand arome ». Bull. Ass. Chim. LIII, 1000-1003, 1936. [My translation]

KOZO SUZUKI, etc — Alcoholic fermentation of cane juice. Rep. Gov. Sug. Exp. Sta. Formosa N° 4, 82-83, 1937.

LABAT (Le R. P.) — Nouveau voyage aux Isles de l’Amérique : de l’eau-de-vie de cannes T. IV. 410-416 G. Cavelier. Paris, 1722.

LAER (M. van) — La chimie des fermentations. Masson & Cie, Paris. 1935.

LAGARRIGUE de SURVILLIERS (J. de) — Manuel de sucrerie de cannes : la fabrication du rhum à partir des mélasses, 216-240. Dunod, Paris, 1932. [My translation]

LAVOLLEE (P.) — Notes sur les cultures et la production de la Martinique et de la Guadeoupe, 145-150. Imp. Royale, Paris, 1841.

LEBBIN — Ein neuer weg zur beurteilung von rum und arrak. Chem. Ztg. L, 334, 1926.

LEGIER (E.) — La Martinique et la Guadeloupe : production du rhum, 129-141. Paris, 1905.

LEONARD (M. A) — Rum. Trade, production and manufacturing methods of principal producing countries. U. S. Dept. Commerce Rept. 1937.

LEVY (L.) — Microbes et distillerie. Carre & Naud, Paris 1900.

LIPPMANN (E. O. von) — Ueber die sog. methylalkoholgarung. Biochem. Z. CVI, 236-238, 1920.

LUCKOW (C.) — Ueber die begutachntung von rum, arrak und kirschwaser mit hilfe der ausgiebigkeitsprobe. Brennerei Ztg. L, 86-87, 1933. [My translation]

MC CLEERY (W. L.) et AGEE (H. P.) — A report on the manufacture of industrial alcohol from Hawaiian molasses. Plant. Sug. Manuf. LXIX, 449-50, 468-70, 487-90, 1922.

MAGNE (J.) — Yield of alcohol obtainable in the fermentation of cane molasses under different conditions of working. Louisiana Plant. LIX, 13-14, 1917.

MALVEZIN (F.) — Vieillissement des vins et spiritueux. Tignol, Paris, 1903.

MANHES (G.) — La production et la consommation des rhums des colonies françaises. C. R. Cong. Anciennes Colonies, 614-622, Paris, 1909.

MARCANO (V.) — Sur la fermentation alcoolique du vesou de la canne à sucre. C. R. CVIII, 955-957, 1889.

MARILLER (Ch.) — Distillation et rectification des liquides industriels. Dunod, Paris, 1925.

MARILLER (Ch.) & GROSFILEY (I.) — Le contrôle chimique en distillerie. Dunod, Paris, 1939.

MARVEL (C.S.) & HAGER (F.D.) — Bauer oil, the high-boilling residue from molasses fusel oil. A source of capric acid. J. Amer. Chem. Soc. XLVI, 726-731, 1924. [Extremely important!]

MATHIEU (L.) — Dégustation et analyse chimique des vins et spiritueux. Rev. Scient. XLVIII, 390-99. 1910. [This strikes me as possibly important.]

MELHADO (E.) — Jamaica rum. Amer. Wine Liquor J. I, No 11, 63-64, 1934 [This should be easy to request]

MEZGER (O.) & JESSER (H.) — Deutscher rum. Z. Ang. Chem. XXXIV. 621-629, 1921.

MEYER (G. W.) — Freie schwefelsaure in rum, Z. Ang. Chem. VII, 144, 1901. [Free sulfuric acid in rum]

MICKO (K.) — Ueber die untersuchung des Jamaika-und Kunstrums und zur kenntnis des typischen reichstoffes des Jamaika-rums. Z. Unters. Nanr. Genussm. VIII, 433-451, 1908. [This is an English publication of the same article in a different journal.]

MICKO (K.) — Zur kenntnis der untersuchung von branntweinen (Cuba, Demerara, Jamaikarum, arrak, zwetschenbranntwein, Kognak, weingelagerbranntwein). Z. Unters. Nahr. — Genussm. XIX, 305-322, 1910.

NELSON (E.K.) — Some organic acids of sugar cane molasses. J. Amer. Chem. Soc. LT, 2808-10, 1929.

NELSON (EK.) & GREENLEAF (A.) — An investigation of cane molasses distillery slop with special reference to certain organic acids. Ind. Eng. Chem. XX, 857-59, 1929.

NEWLANDS (J.A.R.) & NEWLANDS (BER.) — Sugar. A handbook for planters and refiners. Chap. XXIV: rum and others alcoholic spirits, 729-784. E. & F. Spon, London, 1911.

OHTSU (K.) — Value of cane juice as a yeast nutrient medium. Rept. Gov. Sug. Exp. Sta. Formosa, N° 5, 168-182, 1938.

OTHSU (K.). — A substance in cane juice that stimulates fermentation. Rept. Gov. Sug. Exp. Sta. Formosa N° 6, 129-148, 1939.

ORDONNEAU (Ch.). — Alcool et eaux-de-vie. Doin, Paris, 1885.

OWEN (W.L.). — Formation of gum levan in sucrose solutions. J. of Bacteriology VIII, 421-445, 1923.

OWEN (W.L.). — Blackstrap molasses as raw material for biochemical industries. Russell Palmer, Hoboken, 1939.

OWEN (W.L.). — Modern distillery design. Sugar XXXVII, N° 3, 26-30, 1942.

OWEN (W.L.). — Deterioration of molasses in storage. Sugar XXXVIII, N° 9, 23-24 ; N° 10, 22-24, 1943.

OWEN (W.L.) et BOND (J.O.). — Alcohol from cane blackstraps. Effect of varying additions of acid. Ind. Eng. Chem. XVI, 387-392, 1924.

OWEN (W.L.) et CHEN (J.S.). — Cuban invert molasses fermentation. Facts Ab, Sugar XX, N° 1, 21-22, 38, 1933.

OWEN (W.L.) et CHEN (J.S.). — Fermentation of Cuban invert molasses in production of industrial alcohol. J. Chem. Eng. China IV, 212-217 1937.

OWEN (W.L.) et DENSON (W.P.). — Acceleration of alcohol fermentation by the use of vegetable carbons and others inert substances. Zent. Bakt. Parasit. LXXVII, 481-523, 1929.

OWEN (W.L.) et DENSON (W.P.). — Sugar cane bagasse as a source of industrial alcohol. Plant. Sug. Manuf. LXXX, 60-64, 83-85, 102-105, 1928.

PACOTTET (P.) et GUITTONNEAU (L.). — Eaux-de-vie et vinaigres. Baillière et fils, Paris, 1926.

PAIRAULT (E.A.). — Note sur la fabrication du rhum à la Guadeloupe. Bull Ass. Chim. XVII, 246-255, 1899.

PAIRAULT (E.A.). — Le rhum et sa fabrication C. Naud, Paris, 1903.

PARTRIDGE (W.). — Extractives of rum. Analyst XLVIII, 772, 1932.

PECK (S.S.) et DEERR (N.). — The fermentation of Hawaiian molasses. H.S.P.A. Exp. sta. Agr. ser. Bull. 28, 1909.

PELLET (H.). — Etudes sur la canne à sucre. Ann. Sc. Agr. (2) VII, t. I, 415-473; t. 2, 1-74, 1897.

PERARD (J.). — Le rendement en distillerie. C.R. 5° Cong. Int, des Ind. Agr. 802-832, 1937.

PIQUE (R.). — Vinification et alcoolisation des fruits tropicaux et fruits coloniaux. Desforges, Girardot et Cie, Paris, 1928.

PORTER (GR.). — The nature and properties of the sugar cane. Chap. VIII; On the distillation of rum, 93-102. Smith, Elder & Co, London, 1830.

POZZI-ESCOT (B.). — Le vieillissement artificiel des eaux-de-vie et des spiritueux. Bull. Ass. Chim. XXIII, 114-130, 1906.

PRINSEN-GEERLIGS (H.C.). — Fabrication du rhum et de l’arac. Bull. Ass. Chim. XV, 1151-1161, 1898.

PRINSEN-GEERLIGS (H.C.). — Cane sugar and its manufacture. 2nd ed., Norman Rodger, London, 1924.

PRINSEN-GEERLIGS (H.C.). — The keeping quality of cane sugar molasses. Proc. 6. Cong. Int. Soc. Sug. Cane Techn, 980-85, 1939.

QUANTIN (H.). — Sur l’essai de l’alcool au point de vue de l’appréciation de la pureté commerciale des eaux-de-vie et autres boissons fermentées. C.R. 4. Cong. Int. Chim. Appl. II, 241-255, 1900.

QUANTIN (H.). — Sur la non-existence de l’alcool méthylique dans les rhums J. Pharm. Chim. (6) XII, 503-507, 1900.

QUANTIN (H.). — Contribution à l’analyse des spiritueux. Composition des rhums, Ber 5. Int. Kong. Angew. Chem. III, 692-687, 1904.

RAGHUNATHA RAO (Y.K.). — Composition and possible utilization of fusel oil obtained in the fermentation of molasses. Current Science VII, 53-54, 1938.

ROBINSON (SH.). — The Bengal sugar planter. Calcutta, 1849.

ROCQUES (X.). — Eaux-de-vie naturelles et industrielles. Ch. Béranger, Paris, 1913.

ROCQUES (X.). — Les eaux-de-vie et liqueurs. Carré et Naud, Paris, 1898.

ROCQUES (X.). — La composition des rhums. Ann. Falsif. XVI, 332-334, 1924. [Hathi link; not translated]

ROCQUES (X.). — Enquête sur les caractères spécifiques des rhums des colonies françaises. Ann. Falsif. XX, 71-79, 148-155, 224-232, 399-403, 1927. [Hathi link; not translated]

ROUX (J.P.). — Production du rhum. C. Masson, Paris, 1884. [We get a synopsis here that makes this seem nothing special. He wrote a second edition in 1892: La Fabrication de l’alcool. Distillation des cannes et mélasses de cannes, production du rhum, par Jean-Paul Roux,… 2e édition; requestable from the French BNF.]

SAINT-OLYMPE (M.). — Réponse présentée au questionnaire du Comité d’initiative de la semaine des rhums coloniaux. Fort-de-France, 1927.

SAITO (K.). — Notiz über die melasse rumgarung auf den Bonininseln. Zent. Bakt. Parast. XXI, 675-677, 1908. [My translation]

SALAMON (A.) et GOLDIE (E.N.). — The manufacture of caramel. J. Soc. Chem. Ind. XIX, 301-305, 1900.

SANARENS (J.). — Composition des rhums de vesou de la Guadeloupe. Ann Falsif. IV, 642-644, 1911.

SANARENS (J.). — Composition de quelques rhums authentiques. Ann. Falsif. VI, 488-495, 1913.

SANARENS (J.). — La composition des rhums tels qu’ils sont au moment de leur débarquement en France. Ann. Falsif. XVIII, 69-80, 1925.

SAUSSINE (G.). — La chimie du rhum. Bull. Agr. Martinique (1) I, 101-109, 1899.

SAUSSINE (G.). — Un essai de contrôle chimique en rhummerie à la Martinique. Bull. Ass. Chim. XVII, 367-370, 1899.

SAUSSINE (G.). — Le rhum à la Martinique. Rev. Cult. Col. VI, 165-170, 1900.

SAVARY DES BRUSLONS (J.). — Dictionnaire universel de commerce, d’histoire naturelle et des arts-et-métiers. Nelle éd., Philibert, Copenhague, 1759-1765.

SCALA (A.). — Il rhum e le sue falsificazioni, Gaz, Chim. Ital. XXI, 396-414, 1891.

SCARD (F.I.). — Scientific control of a rum distillery. Int. Sug. J. 498-502, 1916.

SCHAFFER (E.). — Geruchsprüfung von rum. Chem. Ztg. XLVI, 934, 1923. [Odor test of rum. This sounds worth retrieving]

SELL (E.) — Ueber cognak, rum und arak. Arb. Kaiserl. Gesundh. VI, 335-373, 1890. VII, 210-252, 1891.
[Arbeiten aus dem Kaiserlichen Gesundheitsamte. These are extremely long but available on Hathi.]

SELL (E.) — Ueber Cognak, rum und arak ; das material zu ihrer darstellung, ihre bereitung und nachher behandlung unter berücksichtigung der im handel üblichen gerbraüche sowie ihrer ersatzmittel und nachahmungen sowie die ergebnisse ihre chemischer untersuchung. Berlin, 1891. [About cognac, rum and arak; the material for their preparation, their preparation and subsequent treatment, taking into account the customary odors in the trade and their substitutes and imitations, as well as the results of their chemical examination.]

SIMON (A.). — Recherches sur la classification des rhums Martinique d’après leurs coefficients d’impuretés. Ann. Falsif. II, 494-501, 1909.

SORNAY (P. de). — La canne à sucre à l’île Maurice : fabrication du rhum, 648-656. Challamel, Paris, 1920.

SRINIVASAN (N.). — Volatile acids of fermented cane molasses. Int. Sug. J. XLI, 68, 1939.

STRUNK. (H.). — Ueber rumuntersuchungen Verôffentl. Geb. Milit. Sanitätswesens LII, 26-36, 1912. [“About published rum investigations”]

SWENARTON (J.). — Higher alcohols of fermentation. Science LXX, 254-256, 1929.

TATRA (T.) et MASUZIMA (T.). — Unsaponifiable high-boiling substances in fusel oil. J. Agr. Chem. Soc. Japan IX, 379-387, 1933. X, 232-247, 1934. [These papers are gettable, but may be in German. I found one of their papers. Other papers from their bibliography appear to deal with terpenes found in rice wine oil. There were a few typos in this citation and I think the article listed 379-387 is actually a different author and in Japanese.]

TAKEI (S.) et IMATI (T.). — Odorants of raw sugar : Volatile organic acids in cane molasses. Stigmasterol and syringic acid. Bull. Inst. Phys. Chem. Res. Tokyo VI, 124-129, 285-307, 1937.

TANAKA (S.). — Acetic acid bacteria from the cane juice. J. Agr. Chem. Soc. Japan XII, 35-35, 285-307, 1936.

TAQUET (P.). — Les boissons dans le monde entier. Carpentier, Paris, 1889. [Drinks around the world.]

TOSHIHI TANABA. — Organic acids in cane juice. Rept. Gov. Sug. Exp. Sta. Formosa N° 4, 39, 1937.

TOBIE (W.C.). — Puerto Rican rum. Its manufacture and characteristics. Amer. Wine Liquor J. V, 16-17, 1937.

VALAER (P.). — Foreign and domestic rum. Ind. Eng. Chem. XXIX, 988-1001, 1937. [Among the most important surveys of rum ever conducted.]

VALAER (P.) et FRAZIER (W.H). — Changes in whisky stored for four years. Ind. Eng. Chem. XXVIII, 92-105, 1936.

VORDERMANN (A.G.). — Analecta op Bromatologisch gebiet. I. Geneesk. Tijd. voor Nederl. Indië XXXIII, 1893. [My translations.]

WALTER (E.). — Die herstellung von arak auf Java. Deut. Lebensmittel Rdsch. LI, 256-57, 1938. [“Making arak on java.” This paper is likely important because it is so late. Walter wrote another paper I haven’t collected on the grogsprobe (spirit sample) as a tool for analysis.]

WATTS (F.) et TEMPANY (H.A.). — The fermentation of cane juice. West Ind. Bull. VI, 387-393, 1906.

WILLIAMS (W. COLLINGWOOD). — Some analyses of genuine Jamaica rums. J. Soc. Chem. Ind. XXVI, 498-500, 1907.

WENT (F.A.) et PRINSEN-GEERLIGS (H.C.). — Over suiker-en alcoolvorming dor organismen in verhand met de verwerking der naproducten in de rietsuiker fabriken. Arch. Suikerind. Ned-Indie 1884, Mad. N° 13.

WENT (F.A.) et PRINSEN-GEERLIGS (H.C.). — Beobachtungen über die hefearten und Zuckerbildenden pilze der arakfabrikation. Ver. Koninkl. Akad. van Wetensch. te Amsterdam, 1895.

WINDISCH (K.). — Ueber die zusammensetzung der trinkbranntweine. Arb. Kais. Gesundh. VIII, 257-293, 1893.
[Arbeiten aus dem Kaiserlichen Gesundheitsamte.]

WINDISCH (K.). — Beiträge zur kenntnis der edelbranntweine, Z. Unters. Nahr.-Genussm. VIII, 465-505, 1904.

WRAY (L.). — Manuel pratique du planteur de canne à sucre : de la distillation du rhum, 577-609. Lib. Agr. de la Maison Rustique, Paris, 1853. [Untranslated. I cannot tell if there is any unique material here relative to Wray’s other works.]

WUSTENFELD (H.) et LUCKOW (C.). — Esterzahl, ausgiebigkeit und qualität von rum und arraksorten des handels. Mitt, der A.T.L. XX, 2-6, 1930. [“Ester number, abundance and quality of rum and arrak types of trade”. Luckow developed the birectifier, but I have not been able to find a few these joint papers.]

YODER P.A.). — Notes on the determination of acids in sugar cane juice. Ind. Eng. Chem. III, 140-146, 1911.

ZIZINE (P.). — Contribution à l’étude des rhums de la Martinique. (Thèse). Bordeaux, 1913.

Don’t forget! Here are citations abbreviations for all the references: Kervegant – Citation Abbreviations:

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