Birectifier Analysis of Monte Silvares Medrohno

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What this post is really about for me is testing the birectifiers I produced myself in my glassblowing workshop. I have finally released my own production with a dramatically lowered price. I’ve sunk countless hours into this passion project.

46.6% ABV. This is one of the better Medrohnos to look for. I’m trying to personally learn more about Medrohno and possibly start a cocktail bar in the south of Portugal that celebrates the spirit. Who knows, I may become a producer some day so why not do a survey with the birectifier? Medrohno has a character that is penetrating, but not exactly persistent. This puts its character adjacent to the vesouté of sugar cane juice rums or the character of tequila. It craves cocktails.

30% white bubble Test: This very clearly possesses the obvious medronho aroma. Medronho has a very interesting ability to be diluted and stay really enjoyable. I zapped this in the microwave to see what it felt like hot; it works! At 30%, I observed zero flaws and a lot of beautiful character.

Exhaustive Test: 1:200 (this is a strong number!)

Fraction 1: Generic fruitiness, not concentrated to the point of non-culinary aromas (so less than Ponte Romana).

Fraction 2: Faint fruitiness, but fairly neutral.

Fraction 3: Fairly neutral as expected.

Fraction 4: This has some early starting fraction 5 aroma which is quite nice, but it overshadows any kind of organoleptic determination of the fusel oil. My guess is fusel oil is right in line with where it should be. The aroma here is a powdery estery character.

Fraction 5: Insoluble precipitate on surface. Not quite estery like the normal fraction 5; maybe that landed in fraction 4? There is something unique I’m having trouble describing. It may be another expression of the cedary character that popped up in fraction 6? No character is overly concentrated.

Fraction 6: Some distinctive Medrohno character. Not like menthe, more like cedar? Its faint, but maybe a terpene character unobscured by esters?

Fraction 7: Faint aroma, no particular stand out character. No flaws. Faint gustatory acidity at standard 1:1 dilution.

Fraction 8: I did not collect this fraction because I needed to walk the dog!

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