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Firstly, I resurrected Rafael Arroyo’s beloved laboratory still, the birectifier, and it is incredible:

4/15/18 For Sale: Birectifier Beverage Distillate Analysis Kit ($900USD)

4/21/18 The Birectifier in Rum Manufacture (1945)

I have a large index elsewhere of birectifier case studies and background.


You can find Arroyo papers here:

12/6/15 Rafael Arroyo’s Lost Papers on Rum

9/7/19 Rafael Arroyo – The Lost Preface to Studies on Rum

This, I think, is Arroyo’s first report:

10/28/18 Arroyo’s First Report (1938)

These two papers I translated from Spanish with Circular 106 being of startling importance.

11/8/17 Arroyo’s Invitation: The Problem of the Ripening of Crude Rum

6/24/18 Circular 106, Rum Manufacture, Rafael Arroyo, 1938


I wrote quite a few background texts about Arroyo’s work as well as explorations of a few key organoleptic tests he used for rum evaluation:

12/20/15 The Prior Patents of Rafael Arroyo

1/26/16 Rum, Mitogenic Radiation & The Bio-photon

2/7/16 Cape Verde and Sugar Cane Juice Rum Categories

2/11/16 Team Pombe and the Yeast Olympiad

2/14/16 Rum, Osmotolerance and the Lash

2/17/16 Aroma Breakage and Rum Design

2/22/16 Ageing, Accelerated Ageing, & Élevage ==> Lies, Damn Lies & Statistics

5/1/17 Arroyo’s Oidium

9/1/17 Research Bulletin No. 5 and the Republic of Rum Letters

1/17/18 The Grand Arôme Rum Tease

1/21/18 The Surface Tension of Rum

3/8/18 Wüstenfeld’s Exhaustive Test

3/20/18 Ye devils… Roast me in sulphur! The last two German tests

3/31/18 The Evaporation Test

4/13/18 Organoleptic to Actionable with the Birectifier

2/7/20 Introduction to the Hansen Culture Box

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